Rec/Novice/Prep/Elite Cheer Rules

Baby I'm a Star is NOT affiliated with USASF or Varsity or Open
or any other competition system & we do not require any type of membership.

We will be following these rules:

USASF Cheer Rules 2023-24

based on number of points accumulated.

We will have 4 judges at each event scoring teams:

1 judges Tumbling/Jumps

1 Judges Choreography

1 Judges Stunts/Pyramids

1 Judge watches for legality issues

Q& A About Cheer Competitions with Baby I'm a Star.

What Scoring System!?

This is the question I get daily.

Does your competition use The Open or Varsity Scoring?

Lucky for us we are an Independent Event Producer (IEP).So we set our own rules and have our own unique scoring system.

We have developed our scoring system to work- no matter which scoring system you have developed your team's routine around.

We feel there is too much emphasis on building a routine around scoresheet- and our focus is about putting the love and heart back into cheerleading. We love routines full of creativity and awesome technique!

We encourage the clubs that come to our events to put the best routine out on the floor, that they can, and to maximize the skills of your athletes at that level.

Present that routine to the judges, and teams are placed based on their performance that day.

So whether your a "Varsity" focused gym, or more focused around "The Open" you can have a VERY successful time at Baby I'm a Star!

Do you give Bids!?

Yes we definitely DO!

We give bids to OUR Baby I'm a Star Year End event!

Why don't we give bids to the "big" events!?

Because we care about YOUR gym!

Why drain your gym parents' dry with huge events!?Have them spend a few thousand $$ to travel across the country for a medal.

Why not grow your program!?Keep their money in your program.

If they aren't spending money on high $$ competitions- they are going to spend it on private lessons, and extra tumbling and in your proshop.

Bring them to a competition that they can afford.

Bring them to a competition that they walk away with special awards and memories with their teammates- so they are EXCITED for next season. And so they go tell all their friends how much fun they had with your gym & it didn't cost a fortune!

Elite Judge #1

Elite Judge #2

Elite Judge #3

Prep Judge #1

Prep Judge #2

Prep Judge #3

Novice Judge #1

Novice Judge #2

Novice Judge #3

Rec Judge #1

Rec Judge #2

Rec Judge #3

Judge #4- All Divisions

Special Category Score Sheets

Cheer Solo

2 minutes- Routine to music. Jumps, Tumbling, Cheer & Dance

Cheer Jumps

Cheerleader goes to the middle of the floor & does any 3 jumps of their choice.

Cheer Tumble

Cheerleader does 1 tumbling pass & 1 standing tumbling. Can combine skills into each section.

Cheer Duo

Up to 2 minute routine to music with 2 cheerleaders. Including stunting, jumps, etc.

Stunt Team

3-5 Cheerleaders doing a variety of stunts in a routine to music. Can be up to 1.5 minutes long.

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