Ultimate Dancer/Cheerleader 2025

Compete for the ULTIMATE Dancer & ULTIMATE Cheerleader title!
Each age division will have a 1-5th place winner in each- dance & cheer.
1st place: Jacket, Trophy, $200 CASH & gift package
2nd-5th place: Trophy & Gift Package
Registration deadline: Oct 7th
First 15 to register use cod FIRST15 and save $50
Competition Categories
Dancers: Up to 2.5 minute solo in the style that they choose.
Cheerleaders: Up to 1 minute solo to music including jumps, tumbling & dance.
Each performer will do a private interview with a panel of judges.
Leaps: A set of 3 different leaps across the floor of their choosing. Will be judges on precision, difficulty & stage presence.
Turns: A set of 3 different turns of their choosing. Will be judged on precision, difficulty & stage presence.
Music will be provided for these events.
Jumps- 3 jumps of your choice. A double toe-touch is considered 1 jump.
Tumbling- a standing tumbling skill set & a running tumble pass.
Music will be provided for these events.
Optional Categories
These scores do not go towards the Ultimate title. They are for extra awards.
Photogenic headshot- this will be emailed in & a hard copy will be turned in. Preferred 8x10 size in color or black & white.
On Stage Modeling- Wear a dress/gown of your choice and model in a back T modeling format.
Fitness- Wearing fitness attire- model onstage in a back t modeling format.
Winners will receive $50 Cash for overall winners + divisional winners will receive a medal.
Age Divisions
One dance winner and one cheer winner will be awarded in each age division- age is as of the day of the event- Nov 7th.
4& under, 5-7yr olds, 8-10yr olds, 11-12yr olds, 13-15yr olds, 16-18yr olds